The Top Ten TikToks That You Loved in 2020

There's only a couple days left in 2020! So... it's time to look back on this wild and crazy (and sometimes terrifying) year.

I joined TikTok back in March. It was less than 2 weeks before the big lockdown here in Ontario. People weren't finding my content on YouTube and, honestly, editing is not my forte. So, why not try it?

In 10 months I've hit some pretty incredible milestones on TikTok.

Mel from Renaissance Womanhood smiles at her phone filming a TikTok on a park bench
  • A viral video

  • 20k+ Followers


  • 2M views on my viral video (which was viewed over 8 million times on Twitter!)

  • ... being wrongfully banned from lives and shadow banned (that gives me street cred, right? lol)

It's weird to think of myself as a TikTok Content Creator, but I suppose I am! Going through these videos and making this list has been hugely motivating. I have a lot planned for 2021 and I can't wait to get started. It's going to be great!

Instead of looking at the number of likes, I decided to make this list based on views. You can watch them in this blog post or watch the compilation of my Top Ten videos of 2020 on Instagram. It's up to you!

10. Life Hack: How To Flash Freeze

9. Why I Say "People Who Menstruate"

I made a previous video about menstrual health and several viewers asked me why I chose to say "people who menstruate" in that video rather than "women". Here's my answer!

8. Life Hack: My Breakfast Comfort Food

7. Life Hack: Why I Cover My Drinks With Coasters

6. That Feeling When You Lay An Egg

5. This Is How You Use A Pad

4. Life Hack: How To Trim Asparagus

3. Life Hack: How To Chop Broccoli

This was my third TikTok video. I had been on the app for less than a week. I was shoook when there were thousands of views within the first few hours. Shook!

2.  Life Hack: An Easy Way To Protect Your Drink

Remember the trend where people pretended to protect a drink for their friend? Well, I had a little something more to share. This video led to a series of replies. One of the replies is my viral video! Here's how it started!

1.  Viral Video: How Fast Someone Can Spike Your Drink

I now understand what viral means. It means I can no longer track the video. It's impossible! I lost track after about 10 million views accross TikTok and Twitter. How wild is that?!

A big thank you to all my viewers on TikTok! I've had such a great time getting to know you on lives. You're so kind, generous, and supportive. I appreciate the heck outta you! You rock!

If you can't get enough, check out The Year on TikTok: Top 100! It's a rabbit hole you want to go down. Trust me!

Your big sister,



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